Small White (Pieris rapae)

Family: Pieridae Checklist: 58.007

Wing span: 38-57 mm. This species is one of the two known as the "Cabbage White". Its larvae can reach pest proportions, and decimate cabbages (and other brassicas) to the point that the leaves become skeletons, although they are not usually as destructive as those of the Large White. Small Whites can be seen almost anywhere and can occur in large numbers around fields of brassicas, and also gardens and allotments.
Images (click to enlarge)
Small White ♂ © David Hastings
Small White ♂ underside © David Hastings
Small White ♀ © David Hastings
Small White ♀ underside © David Hastings
Male Male underside Female Female underside
Life Cycle
There are generally two generations each year, with a third in good years. First-brood adults typically emerge in mid to late April, peaking around the middle of May and gradually tailing off through June. The second brood starts to emerge in early July, although in good years it may emerge in late June and give rise to a third brood. The species overwinters as a pupa.
Larval Foodplants
Larval food plants include brassicas (Brassica oleracea cultivars), Charlock (Sinapis arvensis) and Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata).
Nectar Sources
Adults feed primarily on Thistles, but a wide range of other flowers maybe used.
UK Conservation Status
Least Concern
Earliest UTB first sighting (since 2004) : 13th January
Mean UTB first sighting (since 2004) : 16th March
Distribution and Sites

1 sighting 2-9 max seen 10+ max seen
This species is a habitat generalist, so can be found almost anywhere in the UTB region.

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