20-Mar-2025 | From Davie Gantzel : "Brimstones seen today at Hazelmere, Bucks (SU894963), Potters Cross, Bucks (SU905944) and Tylers Green, Bucks (SU902938)." | From John Ward-Smith : "Three species were on the wing in our garden in Bracknell, Berks (SU871687) today: Brimstone, Peacock, Comma. It was the first visit from Peacock and Comma, but we had seen Brimstone previously on 8 March and 19 March." |
| 19-Mar-2025 | From Richard Bates : "Seen on the track at Cadmore End, Bucks (SU782928) near the M40 were 3x Brimstone, and the following day another one close to home." | From Andy Hainge : "A Large White was seen at Fords Farm, Reading, Berks (SU676719) today (per iRecord)." |
| 15-Mar-2025 | From Martin Townsend : "Small White, male seen in Cowley, Oxford, Oxon (SP542036). Freshly emerged, flying weakly with wings still soft. Sunny but cold approx. 5°C" |
| 09-Mar-2025 | From Martin Wainwright : "Following my first butterfly sighting of the year on 5th March, a Brimstone at Wolfson College, Oxford, I saw two more on Saturday in Thrupp, and a further three today in Thrupp and Hampton Gay. Later in the afternoon, the year's first Comma arrived and sunned itself for ages in the garden in Thrupp, Oxon (SP480158). " Comma, Thrupp, Oxon, 09-Mar-2025 (© Martin Wainwright) | | |
| From Bob Theaker : "My first visit of the year to Incombe Hole, Bucks (SP959156) resulted in sightings of Brimstone (2), Peacock (2) and Comma (2)." |
| 08-Mar-2025 | From Henry Parkinson : "1 Red Admiral and at least 6 Commas seen in Spindleberry Nature Park, Oxford, Oxon (SP552024) today." | From Chris Carter : "I released a Peacock trapped in a spider's web across the entrance to our garage at Alvescot, Oxon (SP236040) at around noon today. It flew off strongly, apparently none the worse for the experience." | From David Hastings : "A pretty good day for butterflies. I saw three Brimstones, two Peacocks and a Comma in my garden in Aston, Oxon (SP338032), and at least four Brimstones, two Commas and a Peacock at my allotment in the village." Brimstone, Aston, Oxon, 08-Mar-2025 (© David Hastings) | | |
| 06-Mar-2025 | From Neil Manthorpe : "A male Brimstone crossed the garden in Daws Hill, High Wycombe, Bucks (SU866918) at some speed in the warmth of the afternoon - first sighting of 2025." | From Roy Booth : "A Comma was briefly on the road surface at Parson's Lane, Ewelme, Oxon (SU650911) today.
" | From David Hastings : "A lunchtime visit to Dry Sandford Pit, Oxon (SU467996) today produced eight Brimstones, two Commas and a Red Admiral." Comma, Dry Sandford Pit, Oxon, 06-Mar-2025 (© David Hastings) | | |
| From Tom Dunbar : "Great sightings in the garden in Aylesbury, Bucks (SP823143) during sunny warm day today. 2 Brimstones, 1 Small White in flight, 2 Commas, and 1 Small Tortoiseshell. I look forward to my first Peacock." Brimstone, Aylesbury, Bucks, 06-Mar-2025 (© Tom Dunbar) | Comma, Aylesbury, Bucks, 06-Mar-2025 (© Tom Dunbar) | Small Tortoishell, Aylesbury, Bucks, 06-Mar-2025 (© Tom Dunbar) |
| From Chris Carter : "The hibernating Comma which I recorded on 5 January in our garden at Alvescot, Oxon (SP236040) took to the balmy air today at about miday and was flying in the close vicinity. At 12.30pm I saw a Small Tortoiseshell on crocuses in our garden meadow, and two Brimstones.
" |
| 05-Mar-2025 | From Tom Dunbar : "A Comma was nectaring on flowering heather in full afternoon sunshine at Aylesbury, Bucks (SP823143) today." Comm, Aylesbury, Bucks, 05-Mar-2025 (© Tom Dunbar) | | |
| 04-Mar-2025 | From Andrew Taylor : "A Brimstone was flying round our garden in Pangbourne, Berks (SU637762) today - first butterfly sighting here this year." | From Roy Booth : "Multiple male Brimstones in flight at Wargrave Chalk Pit, Berks (SU788783) today. The Chalk Pit, which is extensive, is a sun trap, and good for early butterflies, especially at the Northern side, where the cemetery offers flowers, ivy, and trees." Brimstone, Wargrave Chalk Pit, Berks, 04-Mar-2025 (© Roy Booth) | | |
| From Mark Dodd : "A lunchtime dog walk in the woods around Wellington College, Berks (SU831633) today yielded five species: Brimstone, Peacock, Small Tortoisehell, Comma and a Red Admiral. The latter was the only one to stop for a photo!" Red Admiral, Wellington College, Berks, 04-Mar-2025 (© Mark Dodd) | | |
| From Jeremy Gurton : "A Brimstone fluttered past my window in Stoke Mandeville, Bucks (SP831505) in bright sunshine this morning - my first butterfly of the year." | From David Hastings : "I saw a Brimstone in my garden in Aston, Oxon (SP338032) at lunchtime today - my first butterfly of the year." |
| 03-Mar-2025 | From Phil Barnett : "I had a Brimstone at Christ Church, Oxford, Oxon (SP515059) (clearly saw it on a primrose) and 2 others seen less well just outside the grounds on the north side." |
| 02-Mar-2025 | From Geoff Dymott : "A Small Tortoiseshell was sunning itself on the side of the bridleway above the recreation ground in Letcombe Regis, Oxon (SU372868) today." Small Tortoishell, Letcombe Regis, Oxon, 02-Mar-2025 (© Geoff Dymott) | | |
| From Mark Jones : "On the approach to the main house at Greys Court, Oxon (SU726823) National Trust site I was delighted to spot a Red Admiral sunbathing amongst pretty iris, even though it was only 9°C." Red Admiral, Greys Court, Oxon, 02-Mar-2025 (© Mark Jones) | | |
| From Sarah Ronan : "I saw a male Brimstone at Holtspur Bottom, Bucks (SU918906) today." | From Rikki Harrington : "I saw a Brimstone at College Lake, Bucks (SP932146) today.
" Brimstone, College Lake, Bucks, 02-Mar-2025 (© Rikki Harrington) | | |