Gatekeeper (Pyronia tithonus)

Family: Nymphalidae Checklist: 59.011

Wing span: 33-36 mm. The Gatekeeper is also known as the Hedge Brown. Both sexes have orange-brown upper surfaces with wide dark brown edges and bright white eye-spots. Males also have a sex brand on each forewing. It is found throughout most of England and Wales. It can be found anywhere where tall grasses grow close to hedges trees or scrub, especially along hedgerows and woodland rides where there is a plentiful nectar source.
Images (click to enlarge)
Gatekeeper ♂ © David Hastings
Gatekeeper ♂ underside © David Hastings
Gatekeeper ♀ © David Hastings
Gatekeeper ♀ underside © David Hastings
Male Male underside Female Female underside
Life Cycle
There is one generation each year, with adults emerging in late June, peaking in early August, with only a few remaining until the end of the month. The larva is the over-wintering stage.
Larval Foodplants
The main larval food plants are various Bents (Agrostis spp.), Fescues (Festuca spp.) and Meadow-grasses (Poa spp.). Common Couch (Elymus repens) is also used.
Nectar Sources
Gatekeepers will feed from whatever nectar sources are available - Bramble, Ragwort and Marjoram being particular favourites.
UK Conservation Status
Least Concern
Earliest UTB first sighting (since 2004) : 1st June
Mean UTB first sighting (since 2004) : 26th June
Distribution and Sites

1 sighting 2-9 max seen 10+ max seen
This species is a habitat generalist, so can be found almost anywhere in the UTB region.

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