Butterfly Conservation Saving butterflies, moths and our environment | Upper Thames Branch |
Holtspur Bottom Butterfly Reserve |
Introduction History Management What you might see Directions How you could help Reserve Leaflet |
How you could help |
Work parties Conservation work parties are held throughout the winter. These mostly focus on controlling scrub, trimming and laying hedges, and other general maintenance tasks. We also have occasional work parties during the summer, mostly to try to control Ragwort. New volunteers are always welcome! You can choose which tasks you take on, and can work as long as you wish. Tools and full instructions are provided. Please wear sturdy footwear, bring gardening gloves, a drink and a snack. You can find dates of scheduled work parties on the Information Boards on the reserve itself, and on the Upper Thames Branch website. Upper Thames Branch Events |
Growing Dark Mullein plants We would like to increase the number of Dark Mullein plants both on our reserve at Holtspur Bottom, and in the surrounding area, to try to support the local population of the nationally scarce Striped Lychnis moth. Dark Mullein is an attractive plant in its own right, as well as being the foodplant of this moth's caterpillars. If you could grow some Dark Mullein plants in your garden, on your allotment, in your school grounds, or anywhere else, you would be helping us to halt the decline of this moth. Contact us at holtspur-contact@upperthames-butterflies.upperthames-butterflies.org.uk for more information. |